NAEYC and DEC code of ethics-2


NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct




P-1.1– Above all, we shall not harm children. We shall not participate in practices that are emotionally damaging, physically harmful, disrespectful, degrading, dangerous, exploitative, or intimidating to children.




 This principle has precedence over all others in this Code

This code of ethics is the number one reason why I am a teacher!  Children are precious we should never allow anyone to harm children let alone ourselves as professional should never lay a hand on a child!

NAEYC. (2005, April). Code of ethical conduct and statement of commitment. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from


Ethical Responsibilities to Community and Society

Early childhood programs operate within the context of their immediate community made up of families and other institutions concerned with children’s welfare. Our responsibilities to the community are to provide programs that meet the diverse needs of families, to cooperate with agencies and professions that share the responsibility for children, to assist families in gaining access to those agencies and allied professionals, and to assist in the development of community programs that are needed but not currently available. As individuals, we acknowledge our responsibility to provide the best possible programs of care and education for children and to conduct ourselves with honesty and integrity. Because of our specialized expertise in early childhood development and education and because the larger society shares responsibility for the welfare and protection of young children, we acknowledge a collective obligation to advocate for the best interests of children within early childhood programs and in the larger community and to serve as a voice for young children everywhere. The ideals and principles in this section are presented to distinguish between those that pertain to the work of the individual early childhood educator and those that more typically are engaged in collectively on behalf of the best interests of children—with the understanding that individual early childhood educators have a shared responsibility for addressing the ideals and principles that are identified as “collective.”

As early childhood professionals we work in a community that allows us to educate their children.  We as professionals need to be held to higher standard.  Our community is made up of many families from various backgrounds and we need to respect their ideals and to share the many diversities with our children.

NAEYC. (2005, April). Code of ethical conduct and statement of commitment. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from











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